Hello there! Today I am so excited to share with you a Fun Beau Place Announcement! If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you may have seen my post yesterday. We are so excited to share with you that there will be a Baby Beauchamp arriving in May 2020!

We are so so excited for this new adventure in life, but holy smokes it feels like there is SO much to do before then! You know how a lot of women go into their nesting period in their third trimester? Well I think I skipped right to that during my first trimester! We’ve been creating lists and scratching things off as they get done. Anyone else out there a list person?
Find my favorite paper to-do lists here.
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Of course you know that I am super excited to get started on our nursery! We won’t find out the gender until around Christmas, so I do have to hold off for a little bit. Thankfully there are plenty of other projects to be done. Let’s check out our “to-do before baby” list.

You may remember that we just refinished the hardwood floors in our middle bedroom. Well now that the secret is out, I can start calling it the nursery! We also installed a new kitchen faucet last week and a few weeks ago my husband fixed our dishwasher. Look at us making progress on our list 🙂 My husband, David, even got the trim in the nursery repainted. It is looking so much better!

One of the next things we want to get done is a new light fixture in the nursery. That way we can get the ceiling re-painted in time to get all of the fumes out before baby. I was thinking of choosing a small ceiling fan as it’s a pretty small room. Keep an eye out on my Instagram stories as I’ll try to get input as much as possible!
I’ll be sharing nursery inspo really soon, but I’d love to see yours! Tag me on Instagram if you have been working on your own nursery, or send me IG handles of those who have! Although we’re going to be finding out the gender, I plan to stay pretty gender neutral just because it’s the style I like. The baby may not remember anything about their nursery, but I know I’ll be spending tons of time in there. I might as well be comfortable too 😉

Thank you for following along on our journey toward parenthood! We are so excited, nervous, happy, etc. Make sure you keep us accountable to that list above. We have lots to before before our bundle of joy makes his or her appearance. One step at a time though. One step a a time.
All photos taken by Colin Collins Photography. Find him on Instagram here.