If you follow me over on Instagram you know that we’ve been renovating our laundry room! It’s taken longer than most bloggers you probably see – but working full time with a toddler will do that to a girl 🙂 Well today I’m finally bringing you our updated laundry room. But, let’s start with a “before” shot.

Nothing wrong with it, just not what I was envisioning. This room is right off our entryway from the garage, so I wanted to make it somewhat of a mudroom as well. You can watch me demo-ing the counter on a highlight on my Instagram page. But fast forward the space quickly looked like this.

It was tougher than I imagined to get the counter and backsplash out. I had originally wanted to save the counter to potentially put downstairs, but apparently using a 12 lb sledgehammer wasn’t the way to go on that one 🙂 You can also see that it left quite a few holes in the wall where the backsplash was removed.

We patched the holes by the window because we knew we wanted to paint over that wall. The other wall we just left because we knew we’d cover that with bead board. Alright, enough of the process, can we skip to the good part?

Two new additions to the space are a new light fixture, which I love! It was a new item at Menard’s and a great find for us! We also added a bar above the washer/dryer to hang clothes on. It’s so convenient to be able to hang wet clothes in here instead of dragging them to our room.

Now my pride and joy. The bead board! You’d never even know there were holes in the plaster behind this. We used the color Cattails by Dutch Boy and I’m in love. I even added an accent of this color in our master bedroom closet which I hope to have a blog post on soon.

Emery couldn’t help but jump in a photo and I couldn’t help but decorate a little for Christmas in here. I’m super happy with how this turned out and I really want you to know that you can also make beautiful space in your home without spending tons of money. We spend maybe $200 in here by using things we already had (leftover paint) and by doing the work ourselves. Would I like a new washer/dryer? Yup! But ours work so there’s no reason for new. And old washer/dryer and all, I think it looks great and it’s very functional for our family. What do you think?